WILD MIND: Stepping into our Ecological Consciousness

WILD MIND: Stepping into our Ecological Consciousness


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Exploring the wider context to our work -‘How might Wild Mind, our Ecological Consciousness be part of a new story, offering hope in times of inequality, ecological and climate crises?’

Wild Mind is a way of being, an active meditation. It is a way of listening to all sources of information, that may be relevant to the work with our clients; the rational and liminal, embodied and theoretical.

When in Wild Mind, we are connected to our spontaneity, embodiment, dreaming, our animal selves and the breathing world around us.
Wild Mind is the centre. It’s the ground of all the work I do -whether with clients, supervisees or as a trainer. In Wild Mind, I am listening to the aliveness of the embodied, ensouled beings who share this place, wherever I work from. The dancing plants outside my window, the guttering that sings in the rain, as well as being present to my client.

Wild Mind can assist us to access our Ecological Consciousness. The part of us, which is bigger, wider and able to listen to the other-than-human and more-than -human voices.

When working from Wild Mind we centre our practice on a wild, indigenous, local, ‘gatherer’ consciousness. How can we respect indigenous people’s culture and lived reality, and reconnect, listen to our local knowledge, inherent to the places that we call home? I’m wanting to acknowledge the deep wisdom and leadership present in many indigenous traditions, while also being awake to the current and centuries long abuse of indigenous people.

On this webinar we’ll explore how practising Wild Mind can hold open the possibility of a different paradigm of what it means to be helpful and human. Recognising the interdependence, mutuality, and reciprocity of all beings of this world.

Suitable for counsellors, psychotherapist, and allied practitioners. Especially those who wish to deepen and support their client’s relationship with the wild, the other-than-human and more-than-human.

We will combine experiential exercises with easily accessible theory and group explorations. I hope that this will be an enlivening, thought-provoking morning.

Please contact me if you wish to have a concession at £35.
This would act as a useful taster for the Playing with Fire nine-month online training starting in October 2024.