Undomesticating Inner Worlds

Undomesticating Inner Worlds

Kate O’Halloran

Date: 01/02/2019 - 22/02/2019
10:00 am - 12:00 am

About this event

Undomesticating inner worlds- a Wild Therapy Group for Women


This local Norwich group is a space to wonder together about female desire, about internalised misogyny, about our changing bodies, past, present, future, imagined, and the meanings of them.

It’s about trying to be good, grief, passion, politics, need, repression and acceptability, the marks left on our bodies, the shapes we’ve made, and are making, with and through our woman-identified-bodies in this world, the ways we went, the ways we might go.
I’m personally not much interested in what’s called feminine and what’s called masculine, feeling it preempts my own wonderings with categories I don’t directly experience in my own body, but I am interested in how we’ve taken into ourselves what it is to be identified, to identify ourselves, as women.
I’m interested in the ways in which we have been tamed, and have tamed ourselves, I’m curious and inviting of wildness as the ground of our being, as near as the next breath, the flow and desire and life in us which overturns the applecarts and changes what we think we know about ourselves.
The impetus for such a group grew out of conversations between myself and Kate Ellis, based in Brighton, largely because we’d like one! and we hope to offer a meeting place and a workshop shape in London later in 2019.
For now, though, I’m holding a space for a local group of Eastern women.
We’ll be meeting in Norwich on a weekly basis, on the four Fridays of February, and seeing what develops.
Please get in touch if you’re nearby and would like to join us.
And get in touch also if you are interested in coming to a workshop later in the year in London and would like to be sent details.
“…when women speak truly they speak subversively-they can’t help it..”
Ursula Le Guin

11-15 Fye Bridge St

NR2 4PA.

Contact Details
Contact Person: Kate O’Halloran
Email: [email protected]
More contact details: 07504 811922
