Drawing on Radix®, Embodied-Relational Therapy, T.A., Counselling, possibly also voicework, this residential weekend workshop will be experiential, with a combination of larger and smaller groupwork, pair work, and individual work within the wider group.
What is Radix? Radix® is a powerful body-centred therapy that promotes change, growth, and healing. The word Radix means “root” or “source” and here refers to the flow of the life force underlying our thoughts, feelings and movements, our mind and our consciousness or spirit.
We will work with breath, movement, sound, touch, and vision to help restore the rhythmic flow of the life force throughout your being. To feel more alive, to express yourself authentically, and connect more deeply with others. Radix is a body centred approach and unlike other psychotherapies that are somatically informed, Radix has the body as the central focus with the emphasis on the somatic unfolding.
The Structure of the Workshop
After checking in on Friday 6th September, and having had dinner, we will begin that evening with an orientation to the workshop, getting acquainted with workshop participants and facilitators in your first group session.
On Saturday and Sunday, you will have opportunity to take part in both larger and smaller group work, paired work, and individual sessions within the wider group.
You are welcome to stay over on Sunday night.
Timings: Friday: arrive from 4pm, session time: 6:30pm – 9pm
Saturday: 9:30 to approx 7pm Sunday: 9:30 to 5pm
Cost: Including all facilitation, 3 nights accommodation in twin shared rooms, breakfasts, and Friday evening meal: Between £500 and £370 – You choose
(Between £500 and £300 if booked before June 30th 2024 – You choose)
If you are able to pay higher up the scale, this enables us to keep the lower price available for people who need it, many thanks. Payment by instalment is welcome if this makes it easier for you.
Food: We will cook a simple meal for the Friday evening from ingredients provided by us (feel free to help cook if you wish!), and we will also provide the ingredients for a simple breakfast for Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings.
Lunches and evening meals on Saturday and Sunday can either be at a local pub, or bring food to cook or/and share. Our experience is that this works well.
Contact [email protected] with queries and booking inquiries.
Please note that places are limited to 12 participants.
This is a unique workshop, co-led by up to 6 experienced practitioners, who have been training together in Radix® in the last few years, who bring with them experience and expertise that inform their practices from a wide range of different fields:
Judith Salling-Ash originally trained in TA psychotherapy and became interested in body psychotherapy and Radix specifically as part of her journey to come home to her own body. She works in private practice in Swindon where she enjoys the privilege of connecting with and discovering other embodied souls. Her work is influenced by non-dual perspectives and supported by current neuroscience thinking. https://www.jsatherapy.co.uk/
Simon Bonnin is a relational body psychotherapist practicing in the North East of England. Originally trained in a person centered approach, he went on to extensively study and intergrate hypnotherapy and behavioural approaches into his practice before deepening his embodiment through training and study in Radix and other somatic approaches from the early 2000’s onwards.
Stephen Tame is a relational body psychotherapist, with decades of enthusiasm working with clients and trainees. He is a member of the Embodied-Relational Therapy training team. He continues to learn from his colleagues, clients, trainees, other trainers, and the wider world. http://www.stephentame.co.uk
Tessa Fergusson is a Chinese and Japanese traditionally trained practitioner, with a private practice that focuses on embodiment and somatic work. She has been in private practise for 20 years and has been senior lecturer of point energetics in training others in Acupuncture. Tessa has studied in Embodied-Relational Therapy and from there Radix, and for the last two years has been running regular Radix groups in Cornwall. https://www.tessafergusson.co.uk
Venue: Avon Tyrell Outdoor Activity Centre
Avon Tyrrell Activity Centre is in sixty-five acres of beautiful grounds in the New Forest National Park, located about 80 miles southwest of Heathrow airport. Its lakes are set amid a mixture of woodland and open spaces.
Our workshop space is Avon Lodge, which has open space for our workshop, a full kitchen, twin bedded shared rooms, 2 toilet/shower rooms.
Feedback from recent weekends with Judith and Stephen
“A rich, diverse and profound experience. I felt affirmed by both therapists and other participants.”
“This has been life-changing for me. I’d definitely like to come back and carry on my journey with you”
“I found this weekend to be very powerful and surprised at the effects of working in this way – it felt like it was possible to get to the heart of things as they are.”
“I feel I have met with myself in a deeper, richer way and been able to connect more authentically with others.”
“The level of safety created enabled me to go deeper into my experience than I’ve done in the past.”
Contact [email protected] with queries and booking inquiries.
Please note that places are limited to 12 participants.
(1 place available as at Thurs 18th July 2024)