by Emma Palmer (previously known as Kamalamani) | Jan 7, 2019 | ecopsychology, rewilding, Wild Therapy
I walk into the new year. Slowly, slightly hesitatingly. Not like the foxes of the early hours, chasing one another full pelt down the hill after overturning a dustbin. Not like the invisible ice-fingered persistence of the frost forming on the roofs of cars...
by Stephen Tame-Admin Account | Oct 1, 2018 | Blog, ecopsychology, personal, psychotherapy, Uncategorized, Wild Therapy
Kaspa Thompson, Psychotherapist, Buddhist Teacher & Podcaster, kindly interviewed me for his podcast, Rainforest Mind – it was great to have a chance to explore something about where I’ve got to in my relationship with Wild Therapy – thank you...
by Jayne Johnson | Sep 11, 2018 | Blog, ecopsychology, personal, psychotherapy, Wild Therapy
There’s so much to write I don’t know where to start. My own journey is weaving together with what’s going on in the world, of course how could it not! How to convey my thoughts and feeling about both – the small, individual picture and the big picture of our planet...
by Allison Priestman | Sep 6, 2018 | Blog, ecopsychology, psychotherapy, Wild Therapy
Talking about Wild Therapy – link to audio file